Your commitment to NJBP

In order to be a member of North Jersey Business Professionals you are required to:

  • Be the owner, manager, or official representative of a legitimate business.
  • Be the only business in your category.
  • Attend meetings regularly unless you notify the President or a Board member prior to the meeting. We expect you to make 75% of meetings.
  • Be on time for meetings.  Please arrive by 7:30am to mingle and have time to order breakfast.  Meeting starts at 7:45am sharp.
  • Give your 10 minute presentation when you are scheduled to do so, in order for us to learn more about your business so that we can get you referrals.
  • Bring new members to the group and give referrals to others in the group.
  • Pay member dues of $175 per year to cover the group’s expenses and finance and events outside of weekly meetings.  You will receive a $75 renewal discount if you make 75% of the meetings for the year.